Issue 74 - May 2015 - The Seventh Anniversary Issue
Todd Deutsch
From the Editor:
We dedicate each May issue to the Fraction audience in celebration of our anniversary and the talent of our photographic community. For this 7th Anniversary Issue, I selected sixty images from nearly 600 submissions. You will see a wide range of aesthetics and subject matter, representing and paying tribute to the diversity of the Fraction audience.
This has been a fantastic year for Fraction, and in the coming months, things will only get better. A large Fraction group show in two locations opens in New Mexico in June. Featuring over 50 photographers, the exhibition will hang at 516 Arts in downtown Albuquerque and at the University of New Mexico Art Museum and will have an accompanying catalog, published by Radius Books.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for our projects and photographers. I look forward to continuing this photographic journey with you!
With Gratitude,
David Bram
The 59 photographers that were selected are (in alphabetical order) :
Group 1
Ricardo Alcaraz, Evan Baden, Craig Becker, Matthew Bender, Melissa Borman, Pascal Broze, Jeff Burk, Benoit Chailleux, Andrew Crooks, Todd Deutsch, Brian Edwards, Klaus Enrique, Suzanne Garr, Jill Gewirtz
Group 2
John Gossage, Tom Griscom, Tytia Habing, Patti Hallock, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Garin Horner, Leo Hsu, Ellen Jantzen, Priya Kambli, John King, Jenni Kowal, Hannele Lahti , Eric Lawton, Vincent Lecomte, Holly Lynton
Group 3
R David Marks, Kati Mennett, Alyssa Minahan, Amelia Morris, Aziza Murray, Aaron Nett, Natalie Obermaier, Heather Oelklaus, Nathan Pearce, Ohm Phanphiroj, Janet Pritchard, Jessica Eve Rattner, Ellen Rennard, Saul Robbins, William Ropp
Group 4
Ken Rosenthal, John Sanderson, Iain Sarjeant, Justin Simenson, Paul Sisson, Heather Evans Smith, Jessica Somers, Nick Tauro, Lex Thompson, Kylee Twarowski, Preston Utley, Jory Vander Galien, Sergey Varaksin, Eric Weeks, Kyler Zeleny
Book Reviews
Group Show