Melanie Walker
Issue 152
In my photographic practice I have been driven by contemporary sensibilities as applied to historical photographic processes and hand-made prints along with new ways of presentation. My work is a collision between installation, photography, sculpture, textiles, puppets and sometimes sound. Daguerre’s 1822 diorama and a fascination for the pre-history of photography has been at the heart of my work. My practice is haptic and multi-sensory being born visually impaired. In recent installations I work with images on sheer fabric to emulate the double vision I experience with my visual challenges. Using metaphor, I seek to address our collective longing for connection in these challenging times of division and separation. I live between sight and blindness hoping to serve as a bridge to empathy and compassion. I seek the spaces between us.
Melanie Walker lives and works in Boulder County, Colorado. | @melaniewalkerartist
Modern Myth of the Househeads
Omphalos Installation overview
Omphalos detail (Rose Room)
Omphalos detail (Family Tree House)
Omphalos detail (Test Tube Baby room)
Puppet Show
Puppet Show
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Nomadic Dreamer
Nomadic Dreamer
Nomadic Dreamer detail
Home Dance (Nomadic Dreamer detail)
Sky Gallery (kites)
Sky Gallery (kites)
Ghost Forest & Leaves of Absence
Leaves of Absence
Ghost Forest detail (wind-blown leaves)
Ghost Forest detail (floating leaves)
Beneath the Sheltering Sky