In the Finite, Infinitely by Granville Carroll
Issue 155
We are finite creatures grasping at the idea of expansion and understanding the origins of the universe. How often do we look inward? How important is it for humanity to look at the inner space of self instead of solely looking at the external material world? In the Finite, Infinitely is a meditation on these questions.
This project is inspired by the Transcension Hypothesis, which examines humanity’s next step in evolution and how advanced civilizations ascend to inner space. As we continue to advance, our technology and ourselves condense into smaller packets of information. Dense matter and particles of energy create black holes or portals for life to transcend and evolve. I speculate what that process looks like by interpreting inner space as our psyche. Concepts of creation and destruction, life and death are embodied. I imagine the origins of the universe and the transmutation of matter over time. These constructed spaces and figures conceptualize the process of evolution from the beginning to the end of time.
I imagine how the universe unfolds and crystalizes into matter and how truth finds us within our inner spaces. These images are in constant flux, moving through nonexistence and presence. There is an exchange of silence and energy communicating the painful embrace of the universe’s inferno and the healing powers of the imagination. In the Finite, Infinitely is a meditation on the philosophical principle of immanence, where there is no separation of object and subject, space and matter. I construct a space where this plane of being is accessible. New spaces and landscapes emerge from the void of nothingness, of Blackness. In this place the figure is transformed into a conduit through which the cosmic forces dance, entwine, and reverberate. Space-time collapses and what emerges in its absence are new states of being.
Granville Carroll (he/him) lives and works in Rochester, New York. | @granville_carroll
The Observer
Upon the Unknown
Sol Fire
Primordial Light
The Vessel
First Man
The Weaver