In Lieu of Flowers by Caleb Cole

Issue 152

In Lieu of Flowers is an ongoing series of memorial portraits of the transpeople murdered in the United States and Puerto Rico. Part mourning ritual and part photograph, I use the roses from my garden and portraits primarily made by the subjects themselves to create a series of anthotypes, images created using photosensitive material from plants and the sun that cannot be fixed, therefore will eventually fade. This process is an act of devotion and extended witnessing over the course of the days- to weeks-long exposures. The resulting work is an examination of community, loss, time, and the impossible effort to extend both the life of my roses and the memory of these stolen lives.

Caleb Cole (they/them) lives and works in Boston, MA. | @calebxcole

Draya McCarty


Tony McDade


Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells


Serena Angelique Velázquez Ramos


Nina Pop


Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears


Marilyn Monroe Cazares


Riah Milton


Ashley Moore


Elie Che


Jaheim "Barbie" Pugh


Courtney Eshay Key


Helle Jae O’Regan


Isabella Mia Lofton


Aerrion Burnett


Poe Black


Jahaira DeAlto


CoCo Chanel Wortham