EXPLORE THE ISSUE ARCHIVE (image © Dean Terasaki)


READ BOOK REVIEWS (© Gabrielle Duplantier)

Fraction Magazine is an online venue dedicated to showcasing thoughtful photographic projects from a global community. We believe that photography, as a perpetually growing set of practices, continues to present a unique medium through which individuals engage with the world by making visible their positions and concerns, their pleasures and sorrows. From our inception, our monthly issues have provided a venue for diverse perspectives and bodies of work from artists from a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, gender and sexual expressions, religious beliefs, socioeconomic statuses, and geographical locations. Fraction is committed to being anti-racist and to broadening the historically narrow and privileged perspectives that have long dominated photographic discourse through layers of institutional filters. We pledge to share our platform with and provide ongoing collaborative opportunities for BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and Womxn artists, curators and writers, and those bringing perspectives that are under-represented in photography. We are committed to exploring photography with our growing community, as a means to understanding, and through understanding, compassion, advocacy and justice.