Breeze & Ashes by Diego Fabro

Issue 178

Breeze & Ashes explores the complexities of life, family, and the inexorable passage of time. Having lived abroad for two decades, I find myself distanced from the rural landscapes of my childhood in Brazil. The once-defining place now exists as a distant memory.

My father, always a hardworking man, embodies the values and traditions of that land. When I go back to the farmhouse, it’s not just a trip down memory lane—it’s a longing for the roots that used to ground me. However, with the passing years, the future of the farm and my father’s legacy becomes increasingly uncertain and burdensome.

In an effort to preserve my connection to my dad and the land, I began creating images during my annual visits to the farm. These images attempt to capture the essence of the place and our individual perspectives on its significance. The photographs serve as a means to freeze time and reflect on our origins, even as we confront an uncertain future.

As I planned this year’s visit, tragedy struck when my dad had an accident on the farm and, sadly, passed away.

Breeze & Ashes now stands as a poignant reflection on life’s fragility. Time keeps moving, but the love and connection to my dad and the the land remain strong. The pictures are bits of our shared story, a responsibility I carry with me. The breeze scatters the ashes, but the essence lingers—a reminder that even in the pain of loss, there’s a lasting connection to the past and to my dad, always with me.

Diego Fabro (he/him) lives and works in Dublin, Ireland. | @fabro_diego